Jen-Mae-Ka Kids
Our herd name Jen-Mae-Ka Kids is a combination of the 3 Lawrence girls' first names. Jennifer, Megan, and Karyn. Our herd started when we were just starting out in 4-H with Jennifer's dairy goat project. Jennifer fell in love with the Saanen breed instantly and purchased her first doeling from Carol Mann with Old English Saanens. Megan then got involved when she purchased a LaMancha doe from a neighbor, Tracy Erickson. Karyn fell in love with the adorable nubian kids and raised a handful of nubians for a few years before selling out her small herd when she went off to college. Jennifer and Megan continued with their herds even moving them from California to Kansas in 2004. The herds have slowly evolved from small 4-H projects into competitive open breeding programs and the rest is history.
We do owe an unmeasurable amount of our success to our dedicated, loving, and extremely supportive show mom - Cheryl. She managed the herds and allowed us to continue with our passion while we attended college, moved to other states, and started our own careers. Jennifer and Megan now both have their herds in their dream homes where they hope to continue raising quality animals for years to come.